The Civics Lab

Texans Wear Cowboy Hats, Austinites Wear Fedoras (Preview) - Ep 2

The Civics Lab Episode 2

Small towns matter to the future of Texas.  We went to Llano on November 14, the same day thousands were rallying in D.C.,  protesting and questioning the results of the 2020 presidential election, to ask what matters to small town voters.  We interviewed over 20 small town residents around Llano Texas.  Llano is a beautiful town, with the Llano River running right through town.  The town square and county courthouse are landmarks for the community and it is a thriving small town square.  

In the upcoming episode, we interview representatives of the Llano Patriots Milita Group, the owner of the Trump Store, local artists, families and business owners, and long-time residents of the community, asking them what issues are most important to them and how the voting process has gone in Llano.  Stay tuned for an enlightening and we think surprising episode, from Llano Texas and the good people in that community.